UM-JEP 19105-2004

Coordinated by:

University of Zagreb
University Computing Centre

1st Policy Workshop on Creating University E-Learning Vision and Strategy



TEMPUS Joint European Project EQIBELT
1st Policy Workshop on
Creating University E-Learning Vision and Strategy


Dubrovnik, Croatia

G     University of Dubrovnik, Æira Cariæa 4, Dubrovnik


Friday, March 3 - Sunday, March 5, 2006


     Dr. Tony Bates, EQIBELT project expert

     Experts from EU universities - EQIBELT project partners

     Experts from HR universities

     Representatives of HR university and faculty managements

     Representatives of HR Government

     Practitioners from HR universities

Audience (participants):

     Vice-rectors for teaching, development or quality improvement

     Vice-deans for teaching, development or quality improvement of faculties, schools and departments

     Members of university bodies responsible for teaching, quality improvement or university development

     Members of government bodies responsible for implementation of e-learning methodology and technology

     Members of EQIBELT project team and university's strategy teams

     (Optionally) University teachers involved or interested in e-learning

     (Optionally) Students involved or interested in e-learning


¥      to discuss opportunities and challenges of using information technology and e-learning as tools to foster transformation and enhancement of higher education system in Croatia

¥      to help appointed university's 'e-learning strategy teams' to create e-learning vision and strategy documents

¥      to learn and to collect experience from EU universities about a way they use e-learning technology, about their e-learning strategy documents and about process of creating e-learning strategy documents

¥      to exchange and to collect ideas, thoughts and opinions on e-learning from all stakeholders of higher education system in HR and systemize them

Questions to be discussed and answered:

þ      Opportunities and challenges of introducing e-learning technology into university education:

ü  What are our goals: why we want to introduce e-learning, what we want to change / to improve / to add?

ü  What should be changed in university education system and in university teaching and learning and how these changes can be supported by information, communication and e-learning technology

ü  Relationship between Bologna process and e-learning

ü  Which organizational models for implementation and sustainable support to e-learning are suitable for HR universities involved in the project?

ü  Which financial models for implementation and sustainable support to e-learning are suitable for HR universities involved in the project?

ü  Should we and how encourage and stimulate teachers and students to use e-learning technology?

ü  What is the role of the government in process of implementation of e-learning within higher education system?

þ      Structure of e-learning strategic documents:

ü  Specific strategic documents on e-learning or e-learning incorporated into general strategic documents?

ü  Number of strategic documents (vision, policy, implementation plan, rules and procedures)?

ü  What level of elaboration of details in strategy is reasonable / effective for implementation?

þ      Process of creation of e-learning strategic documents:

ü  Who should be involved?

ü  How to increase participation of management, teachers and students?

ü  What methodology to use for creating and implementing e-learning strategy?

ü  One-time effort or continuing process?



2     Presentation by workshop lecturers

2     Q&A sessions after presentations

2     General discussion sessions

2     Questionnaire on basic criteria for implementation of e-learning

